But do you know if the bulbs this one is a natural antidote to excessive acid or acidosis. Potato is important to help the growth of bacteria in the digestive tract of our body. Alkali salt content makes the potato as one of the most powerful alkaline foods, because it's very useful for keeping potatoes alkali reserve of the body.
Potatoes have many benefits. Among potassium, vitamin C (the second source after oren), membekalkan complex carbohydrates and fiber, or gentian to blood sugar (blood sugar) and blood pressure under guard. He also contain adequate vitamins B1, B2 and B3 and a little protein and iron.
Potassium content of potatoes, twice the potassium content in bananas, and fiber. The amount of fat under paras 25%, so that can inhibit the deposition of cholesterol in the lining of blood channels. Potatoes suitable for those who have a shortage of sugar in the blood. Besides potatoes are the best source in the formation of iron in the blood. Ensuring system security agencies, as vitamin and calcium are high.
Various kasiat potatoes:
- According to research, raw potato juice can help reduce disease affecting the joints (arthritis), muscle inflammation (arthritis). Pain that is caused whiplash or sprains, minor wounds and minor burns, can be legakan with sliced potatoes sticking to the wound or pain that is felt, for 15 minutes or more.
- Sauce that is used for sauce potato salad, are believed to reduce injuries, reduce pain, as well as bacterial contamination. Grated potatoes are placed on the eyelids, were able to eliminate the black spots on the eyes (dark circles) and if mixed with cream, could slow the emergence of wrinkles on the face.
- Potatoes can also whiten and soften hands. It shows the potato not only useful for medicinal purposes. The content of potassium, and Vitamin C in potatoes is suitable for skin care, such as oily and acne. For oily skin, two peeled and shredded potatoes. Then applied to the flat face, leave for half an hour. Clean with clean cold water. As for acne, a thinly sliced potato, stick your whole face. Let until potatoes are dry and gray in color. Clean with cold clean water.
- Potatoes have become friends of all people, who are setting up a diet. So the potato can be an alternative menu for the diet because the potatoes rich in carbohydrates is believed pangganti rice for those who are currently on a diet.
- Vitamin C, also known as a reliever diseases that have been made since the time of the ancestors. You are suffering from warts, immediately apply a fresh piece of raw potato on the warts.
- Potatoes is perfect for those who have ulcer disease or illness mangalami often due to excess stomach acid. For the potatoes contained atropine can memebantu reduce stomach acid and reduce pain in the stomach.
- Usually lysine substances not found in vegetable oils, but there is a lysine in the potato is very important in the growth of body and brain. With potatoes we can consume Vitamin C easily. Because vitamin C in potato does not disappear after cooking because it is surrounded by starch. Although fairly low calorie, potatoes can cause obesity because of the Glycemic Index.
- Potatoes have properties make tired eyes shining again and can eliminate swelling in the eye. Parutlah potatoes and enter into a clean thin cloth (muslin or cloth) and kompreskan to the eyelid.
Ingredients and Benefits: Potato tubers contain starch (amylose, amylopectin), protein, fat, calcium, fosfar, iron, sulfur, vitamins A, B, C.
1. Burn
1 potato, washed, peeled, grated. Squeeze the grated potatoes with 2 tablespoons of coconut oil. Smeared
on the burns, then wrapped with a clean cloth.
2. Oily Face
2 potatoes peeled, grated. Apply grated potatoes on a flat face, leave on for ½ hour. Clean with clean cold
3. Boils on the Head of Children
A wash potatoes, grated. Boreh grated potatoes on the boil, let it dry and loose yourself. Do this until the
ulcer seems to shrink. Ulcers will disappear without leaving a stain
4. Pimple
A thinly sliced potatoes, stick your whole face. Let until potatoes are dry and gray in color 5. Diabetes
We eat rice everyday replaced with boiled potatoes, because the sugars in the potatoes less than rice.
6. Anemia
For children less often blood should be given a variety of potato dishes.
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