Bananas are the fruit of a herbaceous plant originating fromregions in Asia Southeast (including Indonesia). This plant is then spread toAfrica (Madagascar), South and Central America. In West Java, the banana is called a Cau, in Central Java and East Java called pawpaw.
Bananas are a very nutritious fruit that is a source of vitamins,minerals and carbohydrates. Bananas used as table fruit, sale of bananas, mashed bananas and banana flour. Banana peel can be used to make vinegar through fermentation process alcoholand vinegar. Banana leaves are used as a wrapper variety of foods trandisional Indonesia.
Abaca stem is processed into fiber for clothing, paper etc..Banana stem was cut small and banana leaves can be fed toruminant livestock (sheep, goats) during the dry season when the grass is not / less available.
Traditionally, water kepok banana stem tuber used as a drug ofdysentery and intestinal bleeding while the water is used as abanana stalk urination and pain medication detoxification.
Divided into four types of bananas:
- Bananas are eaten without cooking the M. paradisiaca varSapientum, M. nana also called M. cavendishii, M. sinensis. Egbananas, milk, king, Cavendish, Barangan and mas.
- Bananas are eaten after the fruit is cooked M. paradisiacaforma typicaatau also called M. paradisiaca normalis. For example banana jackfruit, horns and kepok.
- Bananas have seeds of M. brachycarpa in Indonesia used its leaves. Such as bananas and klutuk stone.
- Bananas are taken such as banana fiber manila (abaca).
Ingredients and benefits: Bananas are cool. Substance tannins in the banana is antiseptic, while saponins nutritious substances thin the sputum. Bananas, plantains especially, contains a useful kaliun launched urine. In addition, it also contains vitamins A, B, C, sugars, water, and starch.
1. Wound
Method I: Take a banana sap children then apply on the wound was cleaned
Method II: Take bonggot banana, washed and then crushed. Apply this mixture on the
injured spot.
2. Burn
Bananas are ripe crushed, and then applied to the burns
3. Wart
Banana skin klutuk dikerokkan with somewhat hard on the skin. A few hours later,
the skin will peel. If you have not healed well, repeat until 3x
4. Insect bites
Banana heart is in the banana stem shredded, and squeezed. Take the water about 1 cup.
Drink this concoction 2x a day, each ½ cup. Then, the waste is used to compress the wound
due to insect bites.
5. Hemorrhoid
Method I: 3-5 bananas stone washed, then grated and squeezed to take water. Once
filtered, give a little Alyxia stellata and palm sugar. Drink this concoction 2x a day
Method II: Drink fluids from banana (grey saba) weevil.
6. Hepatitis
Eat lots of bananas gold
7. Ruling Preventing Fever after Childbirth
Shredded banana tree trunks and squeezed to take water. Once filtered, drink 2x a day
8. Sprue Intestinal
4 bananas raw stone bersam both skin and thinly sliced fruit, then crushed. Squeeze and
strain. The water then put it in a glass embunkan for 1 night. The next day I wake up to
9. Sore Throat / Tonsillitis
Banana weevil kepok grated and squeezed to take water. Use water to rinse. Do this 3x a
10. Dysentery
Method I: Clevis banana grated and squeezed the stone to take water as much as ½ cup.
This potion to drink 3x
Method II: 2 banana flower kepok after washed, then chewed and swallowed water.
11. Diarrhea
Method I : 2 banana flower kepok burned to black, then take the inside and eat.
Method II: 1 glass of wine to drink liquid from banana weevil kepok
Method III: 3 ripe bananas stone, 3 raw bananas crushed stone, and squeezed to take
water. Drink this mixture 3 times a day, each a glass of wine
Note: Method III should not be used when the impurities in the form of green slime.
12. Nosebleed
Method I: The roots or trunks banana kepok finely ground, and brewed with ½ cup hot
water. Once filtered, drinking 1x a day, once.
Method II: Breathe in the fluid of the banana weevil kepok
13. Constipation
Eat bananas and banana golden moss. Do this several times a day
14. Sprue
2 ripe bananas stone, 2 bananas raw stones that have been peeled, mashed until smooth.
Then, put 2 tablespoons of honey. Drink this concoction 2x a day
15. Anemia
Children kepok new banana 1 inch of washed and shredded. Give 1 tablespoon salt, then
squeeze. Drink this concoction 2x a day, each 3 tablespoons.
16. Heartburn
A banana with the skin raw stone, a noni fruit until finely ground, then mixed with 3 ripe
bananas stone. All this knead with a little water. Once filtered, drink well for 2 weeks.
17. Kidney Inflammation
Drink fluids from banana stems mixed with a little sugar cubes. Drink this mixture 3 times
a day.
18. Fertilize Hair:
Method I: The liquid from banana weevil applied to the scalp.
Method II: Clevis bananas crushed and squeezed to take water. Combine the water with
oil to taste Eclipta alba. Then, one night's dew. Wet the scalp with this
mixture while massaging your head. After several hours, wash your hair right
19. Smooth Palms
Rub your hands golden banana skin.
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